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Market Smart Q&A

Appulate’s Market Smart Q&A page allows you to save time and effort as it shows required questions related only to one market, whereas the Smart Q&A tab shows questions for an insurance line and all markets added on the Markets Selector.

The Market Smart Q&A page is implemented for a range of markets. It opens when you click the following buttons on the Markets Selector.

On the market level*:

  • Request quote
  • Resubmit
  • Get instant quote

*the page won’t appear if you click Request quote or Resubmit on a submarket’s level (except for Brookside submarkets when selected under Brookside).

On the quote level:

  • Submit to Underwriter
  • Request to bind
  • Bind
Market Smart Q&A page

When you open the page, it will show required unanswered and pinned questions.

  • If you want the page to show all questions, click Show all questions at the top-right corner. This button will then change to Show required questions only allowing you to switch back.
  • If you want to return to the Smart Q&A tab, click Back at the top of the page.
  • Clicking Send Q&A allows you to send the page’s questions for the recipient to complete.


Section names may vary depending on the market. The Market Smart Q&A page can have the following sections:

  • Policy (or Quote Parameters) allows you to answer questions from the Quote Details dialog.
  • Insured Q&A allows you to answer questions from the Smart Q&A tab. Depending on the market, this section may have a different name or be divided into several sections.
  • Submission credentials allows you to provide your market credentials if they are missing.
  • Attachments allows you to attach required documents.

Sections are displayed in full one after another. You can navigate between them by clicking their corresponding angle tabs at the top of the page.

The number next to a section’s name on the angle tab indicates the number of unanswered questions there. Required questions are marked with a red asterisk.


The Mark all “No” button automatically answers “No” to all Yes/No questions in this section or subsection. It is displayed only if a section or a subsection has at least two or more Yes/No questions.

If the market supports quote generation, the MSQA’s action button will indicate the insured’s admissibility for a quote:

  • If quote generation is allowed, the MSQA will show the Get instant quote button.
  • If quote generation is restricted, the MSQA will show the Request quote button.

The button might change while you’re working on the page:

  • If one of the answers you add restricts quote generation, the page’s Get instant quote button will change to Request quote.
  • If one of the answers restricts submitting, the page’s button will change to Back.
  • If you correct your answers in a way that allows submitting or quote generation, the button will change to Request quote or Get instant quote respectively.

All the information you fill in is synchronized with associated parts of Appulate’s system. Once you answer all the questions, click the page’s action button to proceed.

  • If you click to proceed with some required questions unanswered, you will be redirected to the first unanswered required question.
  • If one of your answers is invalid or isn’t accepted by the market, you will see a corresponding hint in the Market Smart Q&A page’s footer. Clicking the hint will redirect you to the associated question.