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Ebony Adams

How to Use Data for Improved Customer Experience

Businesses often use the information collected from surveys, feedback forms, or even follow-up calls to determine what is necessary to improve their customer experience. As insurance innovators, our most effective method to improve customer experiences depends heavily on the data that we receive from agents, clients, and other industry professionals. In this article, we will outline the types of data that can be used to enhance customer experiences, the best methods to collect and analyze data within the industry, and how to improve your insurance agency technology to provide an enhanced customer experience.

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Insurance Technology for Better Time Management

Most industry professionals have developed a daily routine to complete their work tasks in the most effective manner. Typically, once these routines are implemented, they are never re-evaluated for improvement as business evolves. This article will highlight ways to enhance the routine that you currently have using insurance technology solutions. Open your mind to new and effective methods to complete the tasks that tend to monopolize your day. Let’s begin by discussing how to save more time with insurtech solutions.

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