Appulate 8 Launched!
New Appulate Version Focuses On Rating And An Updated Agent Interface
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New Appulate Version Focuses On Rating And An Updated Agent Interface
80% Of All Independent Retail Agencies Now Submitting Through Appulate
Tarheel Insurance To Provide Workers Comp Program Via Appulate
MGA To Connect Program To Appulate Agent Network
Mooresville, NC – August 8, 2019 Tarheel Insurance is excited to announce that it will offer its Workers Compensation program via Appulate.
Upload via Appulate Now Available
Mackinaw Underwriters, Inc. to Provide Liquor Liability Program via Appulate
Appulate’s Agent Connectivity is now Integrated with the Blue Goose MGA Management System
Hiscox Real Time Quote Live in Appulate
Chicago, IL – August 5th, 2019 – Appulate today announced that Hiscox, a global specialist insurer, has gone live with a new tool from Appulate that allows MGAs and their agents to obtain quotes for its General Liability program for US small businesses. The program will permit agents to experience real-time quoting of GL risks within Appulate’s solution and give them the opportunity to bind policies through a Hiscox and MGA cobranded portal immediately afterwards.
MGAs using Appulate can bring this automated program to their own agents, as well as tap into the vast network of agencies that use Appulate nationwide. By using Appulate, retail agents will be able to upload ACORD applications and easily complete additional questions in order to receive a real-time quote.
Two MGAs (First Choice Insurance Intermediaries and Hull & Co.) were quick to take advantage of the automated program from Hiscox.
MGA Offers Workers Compensation & Excess Liability products Via the Appulate Agent Network
Leading CSR eLearning Platform Now Includes Appulate Module
Appulate Processes Record Number of Submissions in January