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New Interface for Forms!

Appulate continues to improve your submission workflow. Instead of having to go to the Q&A/Forms section to edit ACORDs and supplementals, you can now work on them right from the Marketing section, where all of our other main features are.

In the Marketing section, simply select the markets that you would like to work on for a particular customer, under “Selected Markets”, and it will automatically pull up their supplementals in are Forms section below.

New Interface for Forms!

To work on the master questionnaire, select each form that you would like to use, then click the edit button:

New Interface for Forms!

When you click edit, it will show you our “Q&A” view which is a consolidated master questionnaire of all the forms that you have chosen. There you can work through each section entering in all of the needed information. Working on your forms in Appulate, eliminates multiple data entry.

New Interface for Forms!

You can also work on your forms while viewing them in their original PDF format, by clicking on “INLINE” and selecting the form you would like to work on. This view still will populate that answer on to any other form that asks for the same information.

New Interface for Forms!

Note- not every question can be answered “INLINE”, however, every question can be answered in “Q&A”.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, contact us at