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Appulate and iter8 Launch Partnership

Appulate and iter8 launch partnership

iter8 expands agent connectivity offer with Appulate Submission Management System

August 28, 2012: iter8, an insurance solutions software developer, and Appulate a leading provider of forms parsing and data bridging technology, are pleased to announce a partnership in which iter8 will offer Appulate Uplink™ as an integrated part of iter8 product and service solutions. The partnership will enable Appulate to broaden the reach of the award winning Appulate Uplink solution, and through integration to iter8’s communic8 ensure that the flow of data from agency management system to carrier policy administration system is smooth, easy to use and effective.

Insurance agents seeking an effective method to submit ACORD form pdf files to single or multiple insurance carriers can use Uplink. Uplink can be used to bridge ACORD forms directly out of an agent’s management system or it can be used as a back-office tool to extract data from pdf forms. As a back-office tool, Uplink recognizes and processes pdf forms through its data recognition engine or through an OCR process. Insurance carriers can then use communic8, the iter8 connectivity hub solution, and integrate the information with core systems, or apply business logic to validate, update or qualify the information. Uplink is currently successfully in use with over 25 carriers, offering more than 30 ACORD forms, which represents the highest level in the industry. Uplink also works with all major agency management systems.

The Appulate and iter8 partnership enhances both the insurer and agent experience by combining two award winning solutions. Appulate received a score of 97 on Novarica’s 2011 ACE ranking, while communic8 users are winners of ASCNet/Applied Systems and ICT Awards.

Dimitri Nikouline, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Appulate stated, “We are very excited to work with iter8 so that we can draw upon their resources, reach out to more insurance companies, and leverage their exciting integration products to extend the value added we bring to insurers.” He added, “The partnership will be successful because each company has a strong track record of success in developing market leading technology.”

Glen Piller, President of iter8 commented, “Appulate Uplink is a proven winner, and I am very pleased we are able to offer it to our customers and combine it with communic8. Now we can offer solutions that take data from the agent in the form of an ACORD pdf file, and move it right to a carrier’s policy administration system, enabling real-time integration. ”

About Appulate
Founded in 2005, Appulate offers an unprecedented level of connectivity to streamline business processes through its innovative abilities to bridge data between insurance systems. The combination of advanced technology, outstanding level of service and high value proposition have made Appulate one of the fastest gPosting technology companies that serve the insurance industry.
Uplink™ is used nationwide by more than 7000 agents and has earned numerous industry awards for its innovation and value.


For more information, please contact:
Bryan Stuart, Solutions Advocate

About iter8
iter8 Inc. is a software solutions provider to the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry, its products designed to increase profitability by solving problems through smart innovation and proven expertise in both the insurance business and in technology, implementation, and service.
iter8 has a track record of successfully streamlining insurance processes, improving time-to-market, and saving companies’ money.


For more information, please contact:
David Gallagher, VP, iter8
888 999 7107 x490