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Adding markets to requests for a quote by default

Have you ever wondered if a list of markets you often submit to can be fixed, so you don’t have to add them each time you make a new submission? Some of you have, that’s why, based on our customers’ feedback, we decided to automate these actions.

We’ve rolled out a new feature allowing you to choose what markets you want to always have on the RFQ interface whenever you create a new request for a quote.

With our brand-new settings, you can add as many markets as you want. We’ve also checked markets you often interact with and added them automatically. You can check it on the Markets > Selected page.

Note: The Selected Markets page contains markets selected by your company that support insurance lines which your insureds need coverage for. To choose and add markets, you need to select them on the Markets > Available page first.

New settings for agents

We’ve added a new column on the Markets > Selected page: Add to RFQ. If you select the market, it will be automatically added to the list on the RFQ interface. So you don’t need to add it manually each time you create an RFQ.

For new agencies, the first three selected markets are always added by default. You can uncheck them and choose the ones you want.

The new setting will also appear on the Settings tab of the selected market page:

For MGAs and carriers

We’ve extended the Visibility to agencies functionality. If a market is Visible, selected, it will be automatically added to the RFQ interface when you create a new RFQ. You can do it on:

  • Markets > Selected page: Visibility to agencies
  • Or Settings tab of the Market page.

Please note that these actions are available only to admin users. The changes do not apply to submissions via Uplink.

We’ll keep on automating your work and hope you’ll like our new update! Don’t hesitate to tell us what you think or make further suggestions.